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Burgundy Cape Fall Leopard

{ Autumn Light: Camel cape, Burgundy shift dress & Leopard clutch }

October 21, 2014

camel cape, black wool floppy hat, burgundy shift dress, gold tassel necklace, black tights with black suede ankle boots, leopard clutch, fall outfit with camel capecamel cape, gold tassel necklace, black wool floppy hat, burgundy shift dress, leopard oversized clutch, fall outfit with hat and cape, how to style a capeH&M black wool floppy hat, gold tassel necklace, camel capeoversized leopard clutch, camel cape, camel and burgundy, tights and black suede ankle boots, fall outfit with cape, how to wear a capecamel cape, burgundy shift dress, black tights, black suede ankle boots, black wool floppy hat, gold tassel necklace, fall outfit with came capeoversized leopard clutch, camel cape, black wool floppy hat, burgundy shift dress with tights and suede ankle boots, black suede ankle bootsThe trees were at their foliage peak around here last weekend, so I wanted to take full advantage of their natural beauty for my photo backdrops. While looking for scenic areas, we came across this colorful stretch of trees. The autumn light shining through the leaves bathed everything in the most gorgeous golden glow. The camel and burgundy colors of this ensemble take their cue from the autumnal color surrounding me, and while leopard print isn’t the most natural pattern to see in the woods around here, it still speaks to the fall season!


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